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2003-10-17 - 2:18 a.m.

I was put in my place tonight. Reminded of where I stand. Quite honestly it hurt really really badly. I didn't think I would be affected by that. I thought I knew where it was, but to hear it out of someones mouth; it was a little harsher than I had anticipated.

I know that it's a moot issue now. Life will go on like it never happened. It will not be discussed except by my girlfriends, one of whom was witness to said degradation. I have every right to be upset. No one should exploit another's private business in that manner. I shall have to start watching who I say things to and what because I don't know if my already fragile state can handle another hit like that. Tonight more than ever I feel the need to be held. Oh why can't there be someone who will just hold me and tell me it will be okay? Why can't there be someone to come a long and love me like last time? I don't think my salvation shall come so easily as an introduction this time.

I was making an honest effort to have happier entries lately. My efforts though have taken a backseat to my actual life events. Sorry.



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